
Saturday, June 15, 2013

The NSA FISA and Glenn Greenwald Did he Lie to Anyone?

In the interest of full disclosure, I don’t like Glenn Greenwald and haven’t for some time.  The incident that put him on my permanent shit list occurred when I was just a little bird deciding to see what this Twitter thing was all about.

There’s a presence out on those twitter streets that goes by the handle @angryblacklady if you aren’t following her I would suggest you do because I was an open fan of hers before I tried to hop out the twitter nest. I was introduced to her by her political writing which has graced places like The Grio among others, I guess I could hit her bio and find tons of other stuff but I didn't need anyone’s validation then and just trust me she’s wicked wicked smaht.  

One day I’m enjoying watching ABL dissect Glenn Greenwald live and before the world on the issue of the NDAA one of her arguments happened to be the Patriot Act is of far more impact, and scary and is going to bite us first let’s work on that.  I wonder if the fact she was right means anything now anyway. 

I know she was taking him apart because he and his followers decided that the issue of the NDAA was no longer the topic of the day but rather the character of Obama supporters.  I once took philosophy way back in High School (I know huh?  Public school taught philosophy) where we went over all the forms logical fallacy in argument.  Mr. Navarro spoke to me from the dim mists of time and said that’s an Ad Hominem Adept, an attack against the person not the topic means the person has nothing to say on topic.

That’s ok, as I said ABL was destroying him all day, it wasn’t that he engaged in Ad Hominem it’s what the attack was.

Glenn Greenwald said the supporters of Barack Obama would watch Barack Obama rape a nun on the cameras of MSNBC enjoy it and defend the action by saying Obama merely wanted to illustrate the evils of rape

Scratch the record the police are here the party is over everyone has to go home.  Wait a minute you say a Black lady, an Angry Black Lady who fights for feminist causes like just about no other would enjoy watching a rape, in the face of being destroyed in argument? Yes, yes he did.

No he never apologized mollified or adjusted the tone of the statement it stands just like that right now, so when Greenwald steps to me, I don’t care much about what he has to say, so there I did it, I don’t like him find him to be a man that has no integrity and uses tactics to silence dissent that would horrify the people he accuses of stifling his rights. 

Did I shoot the messenger?  I got nothing else to say about the message?  Let’s do that!

The first step in setting up a successful con is developing a lie that the mark or marks want to believe, or as I’m calling it Benghazi Redux.

The National Security Agency has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained by the Guardian.

The NSA access is part of a previously undisclosed program called Prism, which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats, the document says.

The Guardian has verified the authenticity of the document, a 41-slide PowerPoint presentation – classified as top secret with no distribution to foreign allies – which was apparently used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program. The document claims "collection directly from the servers" of major US service providers.

That’s scary!  Well not to me, in the 80’s I paged a cousin and had the police call me back, but we Black folks have a different expectation of privacy I get that.  However lets take a look at what has been asserted for truthiness.

Direct Access?  No.  Contents of your E-mails your YouPorn history? NO

“The U.S. government does not have direct access or a ‘back door’ to the information stored in our data centers,” Google’s chief executive, Larry Page, and its chief legal officer, David Drummond, said in a statement on Friday. “We provide user data to governments only in accordance with the law.”
 Statements from Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Apple, AOL and Paltalk made the same distinction.
 But instead of adding a back door to their servers, the companies were essentially asked to erect a locked mailbox and give the government the key, people briefed on the negotiations said. Facebook, for instance, built such a system for requesting and sharing the information, they said.

So what you have here is a mailbox called prism that the tech companies come and put government requests for information in.  They don’t have access to the Yahoo servers that is unless they do a Yahoo search then who knows what wealth of information is going to tumble out.

Casting a wide net going fishing?  No they are serving lawful subpoenas at targeted individuals for specific data.  Let’s see what the people at Facebook have to say.

Facebook says YOU LIE

Since this story was first reported, we’ve been in discussions with U.S. national security authorities urging them to allow more transparency and flexibility around national security-related orders we are required to comply with. We’re pleased that as a result of our discussions, we can now include in a transparency report all U.S. national security-related requests (including FISA as well as National Security Letters) – which until now no company has been permitted to do. As of today, the government will only authorize us to communicate about these numbers in aggregate, and as a range. This is progress, but we’re continuing to push for even more transparency, so that our users around the world can understand how infrequently we are asked to provide user data on national security grounds.

 For the six months ending December 31, 2012, the total number of user-data requests Facebook received from any and all government entities in the U.S. (including local, state, and federal, and including criminal and national security-related requests) – was between 9,000 and 10,000. These requests run the gamut – from things like a local sheriff trying to find a missing child, to a federal marshal tracking a fugitive, to a police department investigating an assault, to a national security official investigating a terrorist threat. The total number of Facebook user accounts for which data was requested pursuant to the entirety of those 9-10 thousand requests was between 18,000 and 19,000 accounts.

 With more than 1.1 billion monthly active users worldwide, this means that a tiny fraction of one percent of our user accounts were the subject of any kind of U.S. state, local, or federal U.S. government request (including criminal and national security-related requests) in the past six months. We hope this helps put into perspective the numbers involved, and lays to rest some of the hyperbolic and false assertions in some recent press accounts about the frequency and scope of the data requests that we receive 
Oh yes the NSA now knows that you like bacon and kitty cat pics.

Horse is gone but find out what Prism really does

This is how Hitler did data mining BANG BANG BANG OPEN THE DOOR AND GET YOUR ASS IN THE STREET.  Richard M. Nixon attempted to have people killed.  Eric Holder and Barack Obama limited the reach of the NSA but he's those two people right?

Hitler X Stalin X Mao / Hitler does this?

A National Security Agency eavesdropping program exceeded legal limits intended to safeguard privacy, and officials have taken steps to bring the intercepts program into compliance, the Justice Department said Wednesday.
 The department, in a statement, said problems with the NSA program were uncovered as the Justice Department and National Security Agency were conducting routine oversight of intelligence activities to ensure compliance with laws and court orders.
 Attorney General Eric Holder has sought court approval to renew the NSA program after instituting new safeguards. 
Pack your bags and report to the Animal Farm Orwell is here.  Another one of those things that happened back in 2008 so Greenwald didn’t report on it cause then he supported the President’s national security judgement.

Greenwald’s jig is up among the people who still consider reporting more than regurgitating what a 29 year old brings to you along with his sad story

Actual reporters are on the case .  Me I’m just a blogger and a twitter lover who saw something ugly one night and still rails nothing was done.  Greenwald is out there sliming others like Rick Perlstein at the Nation karma dictates one day he’ll slime the wrong person.

So a story that began with the government is drinking your milkshake is now the government is not the lies Snnowden and Greenwald told are flowing around the world for the 5th time the truth which should be the basis of any debate I don't know will ever catch up.

We're stepping into some serious ish in Syria now, so this story will probably lose its luster but there's a portion of the electorate that saw how quickly and who wanted to call Barack Obama  Richard Nixon, we see you and will again.

Until then to you and Glenn Greenwald  your story is bullshit bro.

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