
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Brilliant Sci Fi Collaboration Story

Hello Brilliancy,

A couple of days ago my friend from Twitter mentioned a concept. She discussed how different the world might be if men had to feel what women did.  Among many fanciful things I shared that I'd toyed with that concept as the catalyst of the New Feminine Age, She said words to the effect that we should do a collaborative story, I told her we could use my Dad's barn and my Mom would make the curtains, and let's put on a show.

She had lots of ideas of how to use twitter and etc, but y'all know me I'm an Adept I'm here to help people shine by shining myself.

So here goes a few bars I'm going to drop on her Twitter stream and see if she wants to come up to the lab and see what's on the slab.

Good and bad hair

Whether you’re dark or you’re fair!

The exclamation marks I sang too. It was a wonderful morning and not just because he broke into his game stash for a 100 dollar bill and told me to go get my hair done with it. He held me last night like a Jill Scott song, long and lovely He never even tried to get any even though I gave him some, and lawd it was like we’ve never been closer.

As I was getting out of the Subaru and bouncing to the shop I noticed my gas tank was on full and I started to wonder just what he’d done. I also took a moment to notice Betelgeuse. It was daytime but for the last 3 days you could see it. Desmond had shown it to me after he’d busted in our room smelling of the Newports he knew I couldn’t stand and started screaming about a Nova.  Come to think of it, he hasn’t smelled like old Las Vegas in days either.

I was looking forward to 3 or 4 hours of pamper and care and right before I hit the door in anticipation of the nice glass of white wine one of the assistants would give me and the dish from the stylist I took a long drag from the weed vape.

I could tell Charles was thinking of something else, but that was no excuse for him not to greet a customer and not one that is as regular as me. Ten minutes he looked at his phone muttering and he didn’t even share the Gay dish that might have made the wait worth it, no one was getting their hair washed. It was till early and only a few stations had the familiar clack clack of the marcels coming out of hot irons to make bad hair good.

Tag! Someone else is it. Saturday December 15th 

1 comment:

  1. I wrote about the Palmour Street video and house:
