
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Adept2u's Sunday Thoughts

On this day we look to commune with our God I open the text to the book of Wonder. If any are confused know the basic answer to all of life’s interesting issues can be solved by how effectively we apply LOVE to it. How do you do it when it hurts so bad? FORGIVENESS, How does one forgive when it hurts so bad? It's for that exact reason that you have to learn how to do it. For who is anyone else to let their actions hurt you so badly.

I step forth into this day with APPRECIATION. I orient myself and emotions to know that all I am given is a blessing. Every event is a chance to learn. Every problem is an opportunity to perform. I have been bestowed by the creator of the universe with the knowledge of his being and for that I am the most grateful of all.

I desire to experience the expression of God through you. It is for that reason I cultivate EMPATHY in my heart as a mother raises her child. May it be strong. May it grow as a light through and about me. May it be the first thing I greet any of my human family with.

My Bellissima
My own being skips a beat
Restarts in your eyes.

The ability contained inside of each human soul is powerful as to be beyond limit. It is because of that fact I ask for HUMILITY. I ask that the awareness of that potential inform my every interaction and color my every decision. May I never endeavor to stand above another, but instead love to stand with anyone.

I am not at war with my tears for they are a sign of COMPASSION. I hope to never be so hardened as to not care. I aim to feel my brother’s pain as keenly as he does so that all pain may end. I add my waters to all those currently hurting.

Fear is not an option. Fear has no place in the councils of my mind. I was born with all the armor I require and it is a protection that cannot be taken from me. Fear has only the ability to motivate me to Joy for I am a man of VALOR.

So I close today again calling from the Book of Wonder. I pull a page from his time machine of 1976 yet it's message is more important in the next seconds, moments, hours, today and tomorrow. Namaste friends I love you all!

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